Wir freuen uns, dass Daniel Mapel, Hersteller der Wild Earth Tieressenzen, im Oktober wieder zwei Online-Workshops anbietet, die uns auf sehr wichtige und unterschiedliche Weise während dieser herausfordernden Zeiten unterstützen können.
Jeder der beiden Workshops wird für jeweils zwei Stunden an zwei aufeinanderfolgenden Abenden stattfinden. Dieser Modus wird Ihnen einen tiefer gehenden Prozess ermöglichen, der Ihr Leben viel mehr bereichern wird als ein einfaches, einmaliges Webinar. Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Workshops in englischer Sprache stattfinden – mittlere bis gute Englischkenntnisse sind also erforderlich.
Die Workshops werden aufgezeichnet und stehen den Teilnehmern 21 Tage lang als Aufzeichnung zur Verfügung. Es ist also kein Problem, wenn man an einem Termin nicht teilnehmen kann.
Termine und Kosten
Di., 19. Oktober und Mi. 20. Oktober jeweils 19.30 – 21.30 Uhr MESZ:
Living in Gratitude – The Path and Practice for Thriving with Less Stress and More Peace
Di., 26. Oktober und Mi., 27. Oktober, jeweils 19.30 – 21.30 Uhr MESZ:
Creating Abundance – Living with Fullness, Richness, and Depth in All Areas of our Lives
Alle Termine finden per Zoom und in englischer Sprache statt.
Beide Workshops werden jeweils zu einem variablen Preis zwischen 40,00 USD und 80,00 USD angeboten – jeder bezahlt so viel, wie er sich leisten kann. Details finden Sie auf Daniels Website unter https://www.animalessence.com/october-2021-workshops.html.
Beschreibungen der Workshops (engl.)
Living in Gratitude:
The Path and Practice for Thriving with Less Stress and More Peace
Practicing gratitude is one of the most powerful things we can do to nurture ourselves in both good and challenging times. I love the saying, “Gratitude is the best attitude!” Gratitude is a fuel that helps keep relationships of all kinds positive, light, and free, and gratitude to the Divine is a fuel that allows us to deepen our connection with Spirit. When we live in gratitude we live in harmony with life, no matter how challenging things may be, and we are able to live with less stress and more peace.
In this experiential workshop you will have the opportunity to do an “Inventory of Gratitude” to get perspective on how much gratitude you experience in your life, and you will develop an action plan to increase the amount of gratitude you are able to feel and express.
We will focus on two specific areas:
- “Practicing Practical Gratitude“ — Exploring how we feel and express gratitude in our day-to-day lives to those we love and encounter.
- „Practicing Spiritual Gratitude“ — Exploring how we feel and express gratitude to the Divine for the gift of being alive in this precious life.
Expressing gratitude with these two different perspectives and ways is a powerful fuel for enhancing and deepening both our personal relationships and our spiritual development.
We will have the support of the animals throughout this process, and during each session you will have the opportunity to go on a guided meditation to meet an animal of your choosing, where you will receive guidance and support from these animals to deepen your experience and expression of gratitude in your life.
I will also discuss specific animal essences that can support us in feeling and expressing gratitude in all areas of our lives.
This workshop will take place on 2 consecutive evenings/days (depending on your time zone) for 2 hours each. This will allow you a much deeper, inner experience than a simple one-time webinar.
Dates and Time:
Tuesday and Wednesday October 19 – 20:
19:30 – 21:30 Europe (Germany, France, Italy, etc)
18:30 – 20:30 England, Scotland, Wales
1:30 pm – 3:30 pm USA/Canada Eastern
10:30am – 12:30 pm USA/Canada Western
Cost: Sliding Scale („Pay as much as you can“) of $40 USD – $80 USD.
To Register for „Living in Gratitude“, October 19-20: https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=L8B725SA8C4K8
Creating Abundance:
Living with Fullness, Richness, and Depth in All Areas of our Lives
Most people associate the concept of abundance with only one thing: money. While having enough money is certainly one aspect of feeling abundant, this workshop will focus on abundance at a much deeper, powerful, and spiritual level. We will look at living in abundance as the most natural thing of all, as the natural expression of living in balance and in harmony with Spirit.
In this experiential workshop you will have the opportunity to explore the concept of abundance in different areas of your life. On the first day we will explore the concepts of abundance and lack. Through a series of exercises you will have the opportunity to examine where you experience abundance and scarcity in different areas of their lives, and you will develop a plan to increase your feelings of abundance in areas where you feel lacking.
On the second day we will focus on Love as the most important area of our life in which to experience abundance. You will have the opportunity to look deeply at the amount of love you experience in different areas of your life, and you will develop with a plan to increase your ability to feel and express even more love.
We will have the support of the animals throughout this process, and during each session you will have the opportunity to go on a guided meditation to meet an animal of your choosing, where you will receive guidance and support from these animals to deepen your experience and expression of abundance in your life.
I will also be discussing specific animal essences that can support us in deepening our connection with all the abundance that life offers us.
This workshop will take place for 2 hours each on 2 consecutive evenings/days (depending on your time zone) . This will allow you to have a much deeper, inner experience than a simple one-time webinar.
Dates and Time:
Tuesday and Wednesday, October 26 – 27:
19:30 – 21:30 Europe (Germany, France, Italy, etc)
18:30 – 20:30 England, Scotland, Wales
1:30 pm – 3:30 pm USA/Canada Eastern
10:30am – 12:30 pm USA/Canada Western
Cost: Sliding Scale („Pay as much as you can“) of $40 USD – $80 USD.
To Register for „Creating Abundance“, October 26-27: https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=KVNKLHXFMYVG4